Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pink Blood

I haven't felt right all day today. I chalked it up to lack of sleep since Camilo texted me at 4 am and I couldn't fall asleep after that. This morning when I went to the bathroom and I wiped, I saw pink on the toilet paper. I totally freaked out! I'd read about implantation and how it's normal to see it, as long as it doesn't turn into a full blown period but I called Michelle anyway. She told me that Dr. Trolice agreed with her and that last Friday was just too early too test and to test again either Friday or Monday. I told her what I'd seen and she told me that if I do see more than just pink to call her immediately. Great, just one more thing for me to worry about. I just need to let go and let God. This is all in his hands, so I just have to continue to pray that I'm pregnant and that everything will be okay. Hopefully this is implantation and not a period and that if I am pregnant, the beta will show positive on Friday. I'm getting more and more excited as time goes on. What better birthday gift can I give my Mom in a few weeks than the news she will be a Grandma again!

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